Celebrating 44-years of service and "keeping soul alive!" the Dr. Barbara Ann Teer's National Black Theatre Institute of Action Arts was founded in 1968 by Dr. Barbara Ann Teer. One of four programs, the Communication Arts Program (CAP) provides training and workshop opportunities where people both young and old can acquire the necessary life skills to become more active and vocal members of their community.
CAP integrates everything from literacy to debating to spoken word to public speaking. Past discussion topics include; The Power of Performing; Profiles in Leadership; Looking at Ways the Yoruba Tradition Brings into the World a Much Needed Spiritual Balance; and The Preservation of Cultural Institutions that Tell Our Stories.
CAP develops staunch community activism by addressing concerns of dignity, cultural identity, leadership and trust and strengthens the values of self-worth and self-love. Part of CAP includes Fertile Ground which encourages live performances in music, spoken word poetry and rap.
Please click the picture to visit the NBT website.
Barbara Ann Teer
Barbara Ann Teer
When Ms. Teer was asked by the New York Times way back in 1968-- the year Martin Luther King was assassinated-- why there is a need to build cultural centers in black communities, she responded with typical eloquence and passion: “(we need a place) where we can find out how talented we really are, where we can be what we were born to be, and not what we were brainwashed to be, where we can literally ‘blow our minds’ with blackness.” Right on-- forever! Rest in peace, Ms. Teer (1937-2008)
To learn more about Ms. Teer, please click the picture.